Covid-19 has hit the world! New Medical codes are required for processing the claims. It ain’t easy to process payments without proper codes!! Do you think it is possible?
A new code for Novel Corona virus is created in order to streamline the testing offered by healthcare professionals and laboratories in United States of America.
The code came into existence on March 23,2020 according to the industry standards for reporting Novel Corona virus tests across the country’s healthcare system.
This code has to be manually uploaded in to EHR system and will be arrived as a complete CPT code set in the data file for the year 2021.
Medical Code and Descriptions:
Category I/Pathology and Laboratory/Microbiology:
- Coronavirus (SARS-COV-2) :Long descriptor (PDF)
- Coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2): Medium descriptor (PDF)
- Coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2): Short descriptor (PDF)
The American Medical Association in Chicago had announced that CPT Editorial Panel approved new codes in addition to the current procedural terminology code set that will allow and help streamline data driven resources in the battle against COVID-19 as the cases continue to raise in United States.
- 87635 Infectious agent detection by nucleic acid (DNA or RNA); severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) (Coronavirus disease [COVID-19])amplified probe technique includes the CPT code and long description.
- The code is effective for the use immediately as the industry standard mentioned for the reporting of COVID-19 test across the Nation’s healthcare system. The CPT code 87635 also has a short and medium descriptions those can be accessed on AMA website.
- The CPT Editorial Panel is given the authority to manage revisions to the CPT set, expedited the code development process for Corona virus test. Development, review and approval of the new CPT code involves vast inputs from healthcare providers, centers for disease and prevention.
- New code will encourage healthcare professionals and laboratories to use these tests for patients who are in need of screening.
- The medical codes have become a part of healthcare procedure coding system, a standardized coding system used by Insurance companies to process the claims.
- The First billing code released was (U0001) , last month which was for SARS-COV-2 diagnostic test specially and specifically performed for CDC testing laboratories.
- The second billing code was (U0002) released to expand medical billing and coding for the laboratory tests.
- Almost lakhs of Novel Corona virus cases are registered worldwide according to reports from WHO.
- Testing and tracking the COVID-19 virus are the top priority for the world implementing emergency protocols to stop the spread of the disease.
- The new billing code is another support for healthcare providers dealing with COVID-19. The billing codes are aligned with new policies from food and drug administration that allows certain laboratories to develop own novel Corona virus tests.
CMS claims:
- The second billing code is used to bill Medicare and other insurance for the new test for which the codes come from CMS claim form.
- CMS also reported that Medicare claims processing systems will accept the codes from April 1st, 2020 and those codes will cover COVID-19 lab tests performed on or after February 4, 2020.
- It’s said that Local Medicare Administrative contractors are responsible for the amount for claims with new billing codes. It also added that no beneficiary charges will be shared understand traditional Medicare as with other lab tests.
- A separate fact sheet is maintained where Medicare coverage and payment for services related to Coronavirus are highlighted.
- In addition to it, COVID-19 diagnostic tests are covered by new billing codes, traditional Medicare also covers necessary hospitalizations and virtual checking those patients connect or book an appointment on phone or video chat.
Medical Codes for Covid-19
There are specific codes for Covid-19 irrespective of the new code 87635. They include:
- 1: This particular code is used for patients diagnosed with Covid-19 and came in to force on 1st April, 2020.
- 99091: Codes used to handle those specimens to transfer from patient to the laboratories.
- 828: Codes for patients exposed to Covid-19.
- 818: These acurate ICD-10 codes are used for patients who are perhaps exposed to Covid-19.
- If a patients is with pneumonia and CPS notes confirms the cause due to Covid-19, B97.29 and
- 89 are the two codes to be assigned.
- Acute Bronchitis which results in Covid-19 should be assigned with B97. 29 as well as J20. 8 which otherwise is not specified due to Covid-19 should be coded with J40.
- Diagnoses code B34. 2 is considered to be inappropriate while coding for Covid-19 as these have been respiratory and the site of infection is not considered to be unspecified.
Additional codes for Remote Patients:
- G2012: These codes are for the brief communication for virtual checking by tech based services by the healthcare professional who reports E/M services, and where E/M services are not rendered within last seven days or E/M services available in the next 24 hours or sooner.
- 99421: Codes for the E/M digital online services for patients up to seven days of cumulative time being 5-10 minutes.
- G2010: These codes are for the remote evaluation of images or video recordings that have been submitted along with the interpretation and follow up with the patients within 24 hours of time.
- 99452: Codes for Interprofessional Electronic Internet and telephone health records service provided by the treating healthcare professional.
- 99422: Codes for E/M digital online services for patients up to seven days for a total time of 11-20 minutes of
- G2061: Codes for online assessment service for established patients with Qualified Healthcare Professionals with a cumulative time of 5-10 minutes up to seven days.
99458: Codes for the remote physiologic monitoring treatment and management services with physician or qualified healthcare professionals or clinical staff time in a calendar month that requires a interactive communication with the patient for every additional 20 minutes for the primary procedure.
If you are having problems in handling medical billing and coding do connect to us.